Miami Dade College
Homestead Campus Master Plan
Homestead, Florida
The project consists of a master plan for a 6.5 acre community college campus with a student population of 10,000 students.
Owner: Miami-Dade College, District Board of Trustees
Size: 26,000 gsf (Phase I remodel existing building), 8,736 gsf (Phase I relocatable buildings), 146,000 gsf (Phase II), 27,682 gsf (Phase III)
Cost: $3,000,000 (Phase I), $20 million (Phase II), $2.80 million (Phase III)
Completion Date: June, 1990 (Phase I), January, 1996 (Phase II), June, 1998 (Phase III)
Services: Complete master planning services for 215,736 gsf campus.